
Sami and Andrew Visit us for the holidays and more!

Well Sami and Andrew visited us during the Holidays arriving a few days before Christmas and leaving now this week, it was great fun having them. We took them to Bingo, of course. Then on New Year's, they took us to Vegas, we got to see a Show and celebrated New Years on the strip. Lots and Lots of people on the strip for New Years.  Andrew is happy. We did take in Both the Nuggets and Avs games since they both were in town for their visits.  They also allowed us to revisit the place were we got married over 27 years ago, we stood right in our spot, or at least as close as we can remember, on our special day.  We had several evenings of campfires while they were here too.  And before Sami left us, we even visited Yuma and saw the old territorial prison that was there in 1875 and lasted until 1909, some very Bad Guys, and Girls were in there, pretty neat though.  Well, we are all up and running now on our new site.  W

We are up and running!

Welcome to our new site! Please visit this site for updates about our latest adventures and mishaps. We look forward to sharing more with everyone here. Thanks for following us!